- Generalities
This document contains the rules applicable to the use of the website which is owned by COONATRAMAR R.L and which later will be referred to as “Coonatramar”
Any natural or legal person wishing to purchase the products (services) of COONATRAMAR through the online platform must accept the Use Policies, Privacy Policies, Claims and Returns Policy, which have the character of binding between the parties.
- Ability to Hire
The use of the website and the products (services) offered by COONATRAMAR, are available to individuals or legal entities that have the legal capacity to exercise hiring, that is, that are capable of exercising rights and acquiring obligations by themselves without the need for authorization of other. Therefore, they are unable to hire the mentally insane and those under 18 years of age, among others without legal capacity to contract.
In the case of legal persons, whoever contracts in the name and representation of these must be the one who has the legitimate and sufficient quality to do so.
- Payment for online services
COONATRAMAR offers a limited number of tickets for the ferry service between Puntarenas and Playa Naranjo on its website. The purchase through this platform entails an extra payment of 10% of the rate approved by ARESEP, this percentage is intended for the payment of design, administration and maintenance of the web platform and does not represent a profit for COONATRAMAR.
The 10% service charge is specified in the last purchase step, the rates published in the informative sections and in the product pages do not include this percentage.
- Optional use of online sales
The use of the online platform is an added value that COONATRAMAR offers to ferry users, users who wish to make use of this benefit must accept the extra payment it entails.
COONATRAMAR will make sure to always have spaces for sale at the ferry ticket office for people who do not want to pay the extra percentage. These spaces will always be subject to the space availability of the vessel to be used and the demand for each date independently.
- Registration
To make a purchase of the service it is necessary to complete the purchase form that will contain the following information:
- Ferry and customer service specifications
- Place of departure.
- Departure time.
- Type of vehicle. (When applicable).
- License plate number of the vehicle. (When applicable).
- Number of adults and children.
- Name and surname of the user who makes the purchase.
- Telephone number.
- Email.
- Domicile and applicable law
This agreement will be governed by the laws in force in the Republic of Costa Rica. The user renounces his domicile and for the purposes of this contract he designates as special domicile the city of Puntarenas and submits to the jurisdiction and laws of the Republic of Costa Rica. The following is set as the address of COONATRAMAR: 50 meters north of the Plaza de Fútbol Monserrat in Barrio El Carmen, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
You can contact us at (506) 2661-1069 / (506) 2661-9011 and email
To use the services offered by COONATRAMAR, customers must provide certain personal information. Their personal information is processed and stored on servers or magnetic media that maintain high standards of security and physical and technological protection.
COONATRAMAR will take the measures that are within its reach to protect the privacy of the information of the clients. Therefore, it will not share personal information, whether for a consideration or for free, except in the ways set out in this document. In the event that third parties gain access to any information in an illegitimate manner, COONATRAMAR is not responsible for the use of the information.
COONATRAMAR will cooperate with the judicial or administrative authorities to guarantee faithful compliance with the law and with the purpose of safeguarding the integrity and security of the company and its clients. Therefore, it may provide personal information of its users at the request of any authority for purposes of its investigations in cases such as: protection of industrial and intellectual property rights, fraud prevention and other matters, and for its part, the user authorizes COONATRAMAR so that it offers the information that in its discretion deems pertinent for the faithful fulfillment of the law.
COONATRAMAR at its discretion and when it deems it necessary to consider that the activity of a customer is suspicious or there are indications that it intends to commit a crime or harm a person, may provide personal information of a user to other users or third parties to enforce the policies and in order to cooperate with the execution and compliance with the law. This power shall be exercised by COONATRAMAR regardless of whether or not there is a judicial or administrative order to that effect.
All products sold on the COONATRAMAR platform respond to ferry transport services that are effective on the day and time of the reservation made by the user.
The users accept the following conditions for the use of the service:
- Each user will receive a ticket in his e-mail indicating the following information:
- Name of the customer who purchases the service.
- Number of children and adults.
- Type of vehicle.
- License plate number of the vehicle.
- Date of service.
- Service time.
- QR code.
- The user must present this ticket in printed or digital form.
- The user must present himself at least 40 minutes before the service time indicated on the page, otherwise he can not use the service.
- The user accepts that the data indicated in the confirmation email and the ticket match their vehicle and number of companions and that otherwise the service will not be able to be used.
In case there is a claim from a client, he should write to or call (506) 2661-1069 / (506) 2661-9011.
The deadline for the client to file a claim is 2 days before the date of use of the service.
Each claim will be analyzed individually to determine the viability of the claim and, if applicable, the way to compensate the user will be sought, however those claims are declared without cause in which COONATRAMAR demonstrates that the user erroneously used the platform in a manner deliberate indicating data not according to reality or not understand its operation.
COONATRAMAR will resolve the claim presented in the following 30 days after the claim is filed and will communicate with the user to respond to their case.
The charge for refund procedure is 10% of the cost of the reservation.
In case the decision is made to make the refund of the purchase, the return time is 30 days, since the resolution is notified to the client.